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public policy webinars

Public Policy Webinars

Watch the Following Webinars for Informative Updates from Washington!

We educate our members and the public about important initiatives in the advancement of health and care for all. Awareness can create a snowball effect that leads to a greater number of people involved, leading to changes in Washington.

Policy & Politics Monthly Webinar: June 2024

  • [Slide Deck](

Policy & Politics Monthly Webinar: May 2024

  • [Slide Deck](

Policy & Politics Monthly Webinar: March 2024

  • [Slide Deck](

Special Edition Webinar - Navigating the Future With ONC: Unveiling the Impact of HTI-1

  • [Slide Deck](

Policy & Politics Monthly Webinar: January 2024

  • [Slide Deck](

Unmasking the Cyber Threats in Healthcare

  • [Key Takeaways](

Policy & Politics Monthly Webinar: Shutdown Showdown

  • [Slide Deck](

Policy & Politics Monthly Update: Return from Recess - What to Watch for in September

  • [Slide Deck](

CHIME Public Policy/AEHIS Webinar