CHIME25 Fall Forum Registration is Now Open. Register Today!



CHIME is more than a professional network; it's a community where exceptional digital health leaders from across the industry come together. Our members forge meaningful connections, collaborate, and share their expertise and knowledge. By joining CHIME, you gain access to invaluable resources, educational opportunities, and the chance to engage with like-minded individuals who are actively shaping the future of healthcare. Experience the power of belonging to a community that empowers you.


  1. Health Services Delivery Organization(s)

A. Hospital/Acute Care

B. Medical Groups (e.g., PPOs, Group Practices)

C. Home Health Care/Hospice/Long-term Care

D. Public Health Care Agencies (providing direct care services)

  1. Healthcare Payer/Insurance Organizations

A. Insurance


  1. Management Service Organizations & Other Healthcare IT Related Organizations

A. Organizations related to healthcare IT but whose primary business does not include selling memberships, OR selling hardware, software or consulting services to healthcare CIOs.

B. Qualified organizations normally provide or are otherwise linked to direct patient care. Such organizations may include: radiology groups, disease management companies, RHIOs, state or federal government agencies and state hospital associations.

C. If an organization has multiple business units, 50%+ of the organization’s primary business must meet the above noted membership criteria. For example, if 25% of an organization is dedicated to physician staffing but the remaining 75% of an organization is dedicated to IT consulting, the CIO from such an organization would not be qualified.

  1. Highest ranking IS/IT/Informatics/Innovation/Analytics/Digital Health Executive
  2. Regional, market area, or facility level IS/IT/Innovation/Analytics/Digital Health Executive. This person will normally be responsible for overall service delivery and budget accountability OR
  3. Contract CIOs (either employed by a consulting or vendor firm, or are self-employed)

A. If the IS function of a health services delivery organization or a payer organization is outsourced, and there is no CIO employed by the organization itself, then that outsourced CIO (who may be an employee of a consulting or vendor firm, or self-employed) is eligible for membership. In this case, the outsourced CIO must be working full time as the CIO at the specified healthcare or payer organization.

B. If the applicant or renewing member is self-employed (usually as a consultant) and actively looking for a permanent CIO role, he or she may continue with his or her membership for one year. To qualify as a self-employed CIO, the member cannot be on contract with a consulting firm, or have a paid staff of consultants.

C. All new and renewing CHIME members that are contract CIOs (either employed by a consulting or vendor firm, or who are self-employed) are required to review and sign the CHIME CIO Code of Conduct.

  1. IS executives who are not corporate CIOs but who have regional or facility-level CIOs reporting directly to them OR
  2. Corporate Senior IT Executives. Applicants who do not meet criteria 1-3 above may also be qualified to join. If the corporate Senior IT Executives are assessed to have a sufficient level of authority in their organization (using a point-based criteria), they are entitled to full membership in CHIME.

Generally reports to CEO, COO, CFO or CIO of the delivery system.

  1. Has overall IS responsibility. Additional duties may include telecommunications, medical records, management engineering, innovation, analytics etc.
  2. Leads the IS strategy for the organization, as evidenced by reporting relationship and committee involvement.
  3. Has a significant IS organization, including multiple business/clinical applications and complex technical and analytical environments.


CHIME has a place for your entire team through the Organizational Leadership Membership. Our Organizational Leadership Membership provides resources for all your direct reports including the CHIME-level Senior Corporate IT Executive, Clinical Informatics leaders (CMIO/CNIO), opportunities for your innovation leaders (Chief Innovation Officers, et al), and our security, applications, and technology (AEHIS, AEHADA, and AEHIT) leadership-focused associations. Learn more about our Organizational Leadership Membership option below.

Additional Membership Options

Includes specialized professional development resources, opportunities to attend our educational programs, networking forums, and access to our educational online resources. 

Please note that when you submit your application, the following documents are required:

  • Your current job description
  • A current organizational chart of your I.T. department that shows your position and those who report to you

Membership DuesMembership in CHIME is in an individual’s name and is non-transferable and non-refundable – dues are renewed annually.

  • $435 CHIME only membership

Critical Access Hospital Pricing To qualify for this pricing level, applicants must be employed at a Critical Access Hospital or at a facility with less than $34.5 million in annual revenue.

  • $99 CHIME only membership

Applicants are those who are not the CIO or highest-ranking IT executive at their organization, but have significant responsibility within the IT department. 

Please note that when you submit your application, the following documents are required:

  • Your current job description
  • A current organizational chart of your I.T. department that shows your position and those who report to you
  • A signed copy of the CIO Support Document. This document, to be completed by the candidate’s CIO (a current member of CHIME) confirms that the candidate’s position has a sufficient level of authority and responsibility to be considered for CHIME membership. The support document can be downloaded here.

Membership Dues: Membership in CHIME is in an individual’s name and is non-transferable and non-refundable – dues are renewed annually.

  • $435 CHIME only membership

Critical Access Hospital Pricing: To qualify for this pricing level, applicants must be employed at a Critical Access Hospital or at a facility with less than $34.5 million in annual revenue

  • $99 CHIME only membership

Open to senior Clinical Informatics leaders, such as a CMIO, CNIO, CCIO or CHIO. CHIME offers a specialized CMIO Leadership Academy. 

Please note that when you submit your application, the following documents are required:

  • Your current job description
  • A current organizational chart of your I.T. department that shows your position and those who report to you
  • A letter from immediate Supervisor confirming you are the highest-ranking clinical informatics professional in your area of responsibility

Membership Dues: Membership in CHIME is in an individual’s name and is non-transferable and non-refundable – dues are renewed annually.

  • $435 CHIME only membership

Critical Access Hospital Pricing: To qualify for this pricing level, applicants must be employed at a Critical Access Hospital or at a facility with less than $34.5 million in annual revenue

  • $99 CHIME only membership

Three Membership program to honor CHIME Provider Members: Lifetime, Emeritus, and Fellows Program.

Learn More About the Membership Programs Here.


  1. CHIME boot camp
  2. CHIME23 Fall Forum golf
  3. England.BootCamp
  1. CHIME boot camp
  2. CHIME23 Fall Forum golf
  3. England.BootCamp

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CHIME boot camp
