AEHADA Mentor Program
The AEHADA Mentor Program is designed to allow any AEHADA member to connect with an experienced AEHADA member from the industry. These pairs will discuss challenges, issues, and developmental needs, to facilitate development of their C level skill set. The mentor-mentee interactions will largely be conducted via phone, e-mail, and online discussions. Face-to-face meeting opportunities are encouraged at AEHADA’s Healthtech Leader 3.0 and other in person events. If the mentor and mentee are located close geographically, they are encouraged to engage in person. The effectiveness of this relationship will be evaluated by AEHADA with assessments to be completed by the participants. The feedback will be used anonymously to increase the efficacy of the program.
Participation counts as AEHADA Continuing Education Units (CEUs) with a maximum of 12 CEU hours from this program, per year.