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Mentor Program Overview

The CHIME Mentor Program is designed to allow any CHIME member to connect with an experienced CHIME member from the industry. These pairs will discuss challenges, issues, and developmental needs, to facilitate development of their CIO skill set.

The mentor-mentee interactions will largely be conducted via phone, email, and other teleconferencing discussions. Face-to-face meeting opportunities are encouraged at CHIME’s Spring and Fall CIO Forums. If the mentor and mentee are located close geographically, they are encouraged to engage in person. The effectiveness of this relationship will be evaluated by CHIME with two assessments every 6 months completed by the participants. Once the formal partnership ends, the pairs are encouraged to continue to meet as their schedules allow. The feedback will be used anonymously to increase the efficacy of the program.

Program Goals

The goal of the Mentor Program is to encourage the professional development of senior healthcare IT leaders. This will be accomplished through information sharing and guidance between accomplished peers within the industry. CHIME members who request a mentoring relationship will be matched – each mentoring engagement will run for a calendar year unless terminated by either peer, or extended by the agreement of the two peers.

The mentor and mentee will determine the scope of the engagement. Lead by the mentor, the pair will identify knowledge and skill areas that are to be developed, whereby each receives value for their participation. The likelihood of a successful engagement improves when the pair define personal goals and work towards these areas for mutual benefit.

Pairs will be made as participants are available – we appreciate your patience.

For additional information about the CHIME Mentor Program, view the PDF outline below. To apply to become a CHIME Mentor or Mentee, complete the contact form.